

Building A House Without Cement

Foundation The first step like any other house is the foundation. The foundation depth was about 30 centimeters. Then the laying of bricks next to each other. The foundation has not footing. There are two types of laying bricks at…

Building the Temporal Structures

Building the Temporal Structures In the rural areas, the most common form of toilets are pit latrines. Not sure way but they are easy to build and water is scarce in rural areas. Well said Donald Trump that why do…

Who Pays For Workers’ Lunch

Who Pays For Workers’ Lunch There is a saying, an army marches on its stomach. It is an idiom that means soldiers, workers, or anyone else expected to perform a task cannot function effectively unless they are well fed. Having…

Pros and Cons of Living in Rural Areas

Pros and Cons of Living in Rural Areas There has been some form of scarcity scare on land to diminish some day. Where by if not careful, some individuals will own no land thus subjecting them to live life on…

Finding Workers

Finding Workers Finding the first workers was quite a challenging task. The strategy used was just to go around and asking anyone who seemed to meet the criteria. Then ask whether he would be interested to do farm work for…

Poor Work Culture

Poor Work Culture Land by itself can not yield much value to any one planning to go and live off grid. Unless you have machinery to use on the land, your efforts will amount to little or nothing. Labour in…