Most villages in Africa build their houses without cement. This is due to the expense that comes with it. So most people build without it. Nowadays, things are changing and some are now affording to add cement to their mix. This piece will show you how it is was done cement.
The first step like any other house is the foundation. The foundation depth was about 30 centimeters. Then the laying of bricks next to each other. The foundation has not footing. There are two types of laying bricks at the foundation. The header so called and the inline, something made up.
In this build, burnt bricks where used. But some just use unburnt bricks. The secret to any house is the foundation and the roofing. The size of this build was a two roomed shelter with a length of 6 meters by 3 meters width. The rooms are partitioned at the near middle inside.
Then the build was continued from the laid blocks in the foundation. The house was build was build chilobaloba (soil soil). Meaning the mortar was just local soil mixed with water.