Building the Temporal Structures

In the rural areas, the most common form of toilets are pit latrines. Not sure way but they are easy to build and water is scarce in rural areas. Well said Donald Trump that why do we always get people from Shit Hole countries to the USA? Maybe he wondered that these people who cant build toilets what would they bring in the USA. Anyway, so while works where going on, the workers where advised to dig with the hoe in the bush and then bury. Whilst the toilet at the clinic was use. The clinic is about 1km from the site. It is a new clinic and the toilet are look clean. After frequenting the toilet nearly everyday, the maid or cleaner advised that the toilet should be used no more. Citing that the toilet were for the patients and not the local. She further advised that in case of anything go missing, people would first accuse the frequent visitor that comes to the toilet. Since there is drum that contains diesel used for the ambulances. The advise were valid and this initiated an immediate need to build a temporal SH!T HOLE. But the embarrassment felt at the hospital was equal to the disgust of using a pit latrine at the rented place.

As if that was not enough for the day, the landlord of the rented room visited in his drunken state. He begun to boast that it his place and started causing various annoyance. Then asked for a K5 for a beer. The rented room is built in such a way that there are other single rooms before and after the room. They are all built in one line with doors facing the road great north road. In other rooms there are small families living there. To make matters worse, someone has started renting one of the shops on the same place. He has opened a bar playing loud music. This is causing so much disturbances especially on activities such as reading. It was then decided that another temporal structure needs to be built at the site. The hut.

On the previous day, at the dry port a place where truck drivers rest was prohibited when we tried to fetch water from there. This has been our usual place we seldom use to fetch water when going to the site. The man manning the place said it was actually not allowed for any one without a truck to enter the gates of the premises. It was the law. So if he allowed this once, then someone else would come and trouble him. The circle useful resource options begun to shrink. This necessitated pro activeness and Speed. As a Pro Christ – Like, there was no need to ague with the maid at the hospital or guard and the dry port, because my spirit shall not to strive with man.

All these circumstances are pushing for the need to cut ties with all the facilities that are providing resources that are depended upon. The toilet at the clinic, the water at the dry port and the rented room. This means the site will have to provided all these resources. The person digging the well is confident that he will find water very soon. This will mean water will now be at the site. That is one tie cut. Then if the temporal toilet is set, then the clinic toilet will be off the needs list. Finally, shelter. Mr. Lastone, the worker in the third pair or workers was engaged to build the hut of which he said he would build it within 3 days. When that is done, the most crucial services will be at the site. The only thing remaining will be the supply of food. Given time the site can start producing food.

The site is located in the secluded place. Living in the hut is worrisome as some scrupulous people may mean evil like burning the hut or attack. The other problem is that there is no electricity at the site. So charging electronic devises will be difficult. If solution to these issues could be achieved such as being accompanied by one of the workers exchanging by shifts and finding a some solar solution to electronic devises, that would be a relief.

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